Our annual tenant satisfaction survey
Each year we employ a specialist research company to ask a random sample of tenants what they think about our services.
During July and August 2023, ARP Research carried out our annual tenant satisfaction survey to help us understand tenant satisfaction with the services we provide as a landlord.
The survey was sent to a sample of 5,000 tenants and we had a good response rate of 38%.
The findings will be used to help us plan how to deliver our services and make service improvements. Results also show a comparison to 2022 and if they have increased, decreased, or stayed the same.

What the survey tells us
Overall satisfaction with the services provided by Berneslai Homes has fallen to 77% compared to 84% in 2022. The decline in satisfaction is consistent when comparing against our peers where scores have been impacted by the cost-of-living crisis, rent increase and shortages in labour and materials.
Over the coming months we’ll be looking at the results with our officers and tenants to identify actions.
Thanks to everyone who completed our tenant satisfaction survey 2023. You can see our progress on the 2022 action plan below, we’ll update this when we have agreed any new actions with tenants.
Frequently asked questions about the tenant satisfaction survey
We're conducting a tenant satisfaction survey. This survey is carried out every year as part of the annual Tenant Satisfaction Measures from the Regulator of Social Housing. Every year all social housing landlords must publish a range of standard tenant satisfaction information which will include some of the results from this survey.
The survey fieldwork will be completed twice this year, once in May/June and once in November/December.
Each time a sample of 1,750 tenants will receive an invitation to take part in the survey. This will either be a postal questionnaire (with freepost envelope), or an email invitation to an online survey.
All non-respondents will receive text message reminders (if a mobile number is available) and following this, all non-respondents will also receive a postal reminder.
Emails will come from ‘Berneslai Homes Survey’ (noreply-berneslai@arpsurveys.co.uk) and text messages from 07860 017314.
We want to know what our tenants feel about the services we provide. The results will help us measure satisfaction in previous years and if we need to make any actions or service improvements. In addition, the government require all landlords to do this survey every year.
We’re required by the government to complete this survey every year. We get a research company to carry it out to make sure the survey is independent and reliable. The survey costs approximately £10,995.
Help with the current tenant satisfaction survey
We're conducting a tenant satisfaction survey. This survey is carried out every year as part of the annual Tenant Satisfaction Measures from the Regulator of Social Housing. Every year all social housing landlords must publish a range of standard tenant satisfaction information which will include some of the results from this survey.
The survey fieldwork will be completed twice this year, once in May/June and once in November/December.
Each time a sample of 1,750 tenants will receive an invitation to take part in the survey. This will either be a postal questionnaire (with freepost envelope), or an email invitation to an online survey.
All non-respondents will receive text message reminders (if a mobile number is available) and following this, all non-respondents will also receive a postal reminder.
Emails will come from ‘Berneslai Homes Survey’ (noreply-berneslai@arpsurveys.co.uk) and text messages from 07860 017314.
We want to know what our tenants feel about the services we provide. The results will help us measure satisfaction in previous years and if we need to make any actions or service improvements. In addition, the government require all landlords to do this survey every year.
Simply return the questionnaire in the freepost envelope and your unique code will be automatically entered into the draw to win 1x£100, 1x£50 or 2x£25 in shopping vouchers. This code is printed on the paper copies and contained in the unique links sent by email and text.
Please phone ARP Research on Freephone 0800 020 9564, or email support@arp-research.co.uk
The email also contains a link to unsubscribe if you don’t want to receive any further emails, and if you receive a text message you can reply STOP to achieve the same thing.
Yes. Please phone ARP Research on Freephone 0800 020 9564, or email support@arp-research.co.uk
Alternatively, the survey can be completed online at www.arpsurveys.co.uk/berneslai
The questionnaire can be sent back in any envelope to the following address:
ARP Research
PO Box 5928
S35 5DN
If you would still like a replacement envelope, please phone ARP Research on Freephone 0800 020 9564, or email support@arp-research.co.uk
Some tenants will have received an invitation to take part by email or text message. These contain a unique link that will log them in automatically to the survey and allow you to resume where they left off. The email also contains a link to unsubscribe if you want to receive no further emails.
Technical support is available by e-mail to support@arp-research.co.uk or by phone on 0800 020 9564.
The online survey is also available at the following address: www.arpsurveys.co.uk/berneslai. Please type in your unique code found on the paper questionnaire and covering letter or register your email address, house number and postcode.
The survey has been sent to a representative sample of Berneslai Homes tenants. The sample has been randomly selected by ARP and is big enough to make sure we get statistically reliable results whilst also representing value for money.
This is a recommended way of doing a survey like this and enables us to keep costs down. If you have not been invited to take part this year but are nevertheless eager to do so, you can still take part by going online and completing the survey at www.arpsurveys.co.uk/berneslai
The text survey is in addition to the postal survey, so please complete and return the paper version instead.
To make sure that our survey is independent, we have asked ARP Research to carry it out for us. ARP specialise in running surveys like this for housing providers across the country. This is the same as when we employ contractors to carry out repair work on our behalf.
ARP are not allowed to use your contact details for any reason other than running this survey and conform to the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and the Market Research Society Code of Conduct.
We’re required by the government to complete this survey every year. We get a research company to carry it out to make sure the survey is independent and reliable. The survey costs approximately £10,995.
If you want to know specific details about how the survey has been designed or is being run or want to speak to ARP Research directly please phone them on Freephone 0800 020 9564, or email support@arp-research.co.uk