Independent Living Schemes
Our independent living schemes offer self-contained flats and bungalows where you have the key to your own front door and you can come and go as you please. Some of the schemes have accommodation all under one roof. Others consist of bungalows with a community centre nearby. The schemes offer a range of social activities. Each scheme has some shared facilities such as a communal lounge, kitchen, and laundry.
If you have a disability or find living in your existing home difficult, a flat or bungalow in an independent living scheme could make your life easier.
Living in an independent living scheme with communal facilities can make you feel like you’re part of a community. This can give you a sense of safety and security, could help to reduce feelings of loneliness and isolation, and offers opportunities to get involved and make new friends.

The features and benefits of independent living properties include:
- Flats within one building – all independent of one another with your own front door (some schemes also have bungalows that are separate to the communal facilities)
- A home set out on one level
- Lift access to upper floors
- Some properties have a shower instead of a bath
- Availability of lifeline alarm / call system
- Mobility scooter store (at most schemes)
- Most schemes have a guest bedroom – making it possible for family and friends to visit
- Communal lounge and kitchen – to socialise and meet others
- Community / social activities
- Most have Wi-Fi access in the communal lounge
- District heating
- A sense of safety and security

Scheme managers
Each independent living scheme has a scheme manager and you’ll be given their name and contact details at the start of your tenancy. You can usually contact them between Monday to Friday if you require any assistance or advice. Scheme managers are responsible for the management of the building and the health and safety in communal areas. They also help to arrange various social events and activities.
Independent living schemes are suitable for customers with lower level support needs because our scheme managers are unable to offer any personal or medical care.
If you feel you need more support with certain daily tasks you could contact Adult Social Services who will be able to discuss support services available to you whilst living within Independent Living properties.
You might also consider the extra care housing options within the borough. Extra care housing schemes are owned and managed by housing associations and provide a range of options.
Will I qualify for an independent living scheme?
Applicants should be aged 60 years and over although in some schemes and circumstances we will consider applicants aged 40 and over.
Applicants with a history of any of the following may not be suitable for this type of accommodation with shared areas:
- Anti-social behaviour
- Alcohol or substance misuse
- Offending
- Violence or sexual abuse
- Arson
- Problems sustaining or managing their accommodation
Lifeline alarm
A lifeline alarm is an emergency alarm that is fitted in your home and is plugged into your telephone. In an emergency or if you need help, you simply press the button on a pendant that is worn around your neck. This automatically activates the alarm unit and rings Independent Living at Home who will be able to see your name, address, and medical details. Their trained staff will talk to you through the unit and will call a relative, doctor or the emergency services if this is what you tell them. Don’t worry about being too far away to hear it or speak as Independent Living at Home Call will send help.
If a lifeline alarm is something you may benefit from, we can tell you how this can be arranged.
An emergency alarm is specially for the elderly, vulnerable or anyone who feels they might benefit from one in their home, particularly those who live alone. For example, it can be used if you are feeling ill, have had a fall or are feeling anxious.
A monitoring and rental charge is made and Independent Living at Home will give you details of these. You would need a ‘push in’ telephone socket and a 13 amp power socket nearby. Maintenance and repairs are included in the charge. However, telephone calls and quarterly rental charges aren’t covered and you would continue to pay your own phone bill.
Contact Independent Living at Home on 01226 775671.