Training, skills, and employment support

Tenants First - support with training and employment

Our Tenants First team are here to help and support you if you’re unemployed or not currently in education or training.

We work with partners to support our tenants and their families to overcome barriers, access education or training, and move forward to gain employment.

Our support is tailored to your needs and the help we can offer includes:

  • Support with low-level mental health issues
  • Financial management
  • Confidence building
  • Digital inclusion and IT skills
  • Vocational training
  • CV writing
  • Interview skills
  • Job searching
  • Childcare support while you access the above
  • Licences, interview clothes, and travel costs (funding available)
Grow your ambition!

Getting back into learning is a great way to meet people, grow your confidence, and learn new skills. It also supports good health and wellbeing, and helps you connect with others. 

Join us today and work with our friendly Ambition Coaches Dani, Freya, and Lisa. We’re here to offer advice and support so you can access opportunities to learn and gain experience in your local area including one-off activities, workshops, work experience, and volunteering in the community. We’ll help you spark your interests and find new things that you love doing. 

Starting training, education, or finding work can be daunting, but you’re in good hands with us.

You can read some of our recent case studies below. Wherever you’re at on this journey, we’re here to help. We can also signpost you into other local services.  

Our Friendly Ambition Coaches Dani And Freya Are Here To Help!
It's As Easy As 1, 2, 3!

Who is the programme for? 

Our Ambition programme is for people who are currently inactive – not in education, training, or employment. You can be a Berneslai Homes tenant, living in a council property, or on the housing register.

How does it work?  

It’s your journey and we want to find the right way forward for you. We’ll support you at the right pace, with activities and opportunities you’ll enjoy.  
It’s as easy as 1, 2, 3! 

  1. Meet your Ambition Coach 
  2. Tell us about the hobbies and interests you have, and anything new you’d like to try 
  3. We’ll match you with local opportunities to learn and gain experience! 

You’ll meet with one of our friendly and supportive Ambition Coaches who is here to help you get the most out of the programme. When you meet us, we’ll listen and understand what’s important to you. We’ll chat with you about the things you enjoy doing such as hobbies and pastimes, and what sort of opportunities you’d like to access locally, as well as the skills, abilities, and experience you already have.  

We’ll match you with activities to suit your preferences. You’ll get to meet new people, take part in activities, learn new skills, and grow your confidence.  

We can also offer you a range of practical support such as helping you to access online services, checking you have access to the right financial support for your individual circumstances, and getting you access to local health services.  

During your time with us on the programme, you’ll gain a range of transferable skills, access to local support and information, and discover the things you enjoy. We’ll support you as long as you need us, and when you’re ready, we’ll help you access additional support with Barnsley Council. 

We Will Also Provide Practical Help

Join our Ambition programme today

If you want to know more about the Ambition programme or to register your interest, please email

Let us know the best way to contact you and a member of our friendly team will get in touch!

How is the programme funded?

Grow your ambition is being delivered by Berneslai Homes as part of Barnsley Council’s Skills and Employability programme.

Visit Barnsley Council's website here to learn more.

The programme is part-funded by South Yorkshire Mayoral Combined Authority and part-funded by the UK Government through the UK Shared Prosperity Fund.

Case Studies

Take a look at our inspiring case studies from tenants who we've helped and supported. 

ACHIEVE team Mike

Mike was struggling to find experience and a full-time job after successfully completing his qualifications and purchasing all the tools he needed.

Our ACHIEVE team helped him produce a CV and he was given the opportunity to undertake two days’ work experience within our Construction Services team.

We’re pleased Mike has now started working for Berneslai Homes as an electrical apprentice.


River, aged 18 asked for help from our ACHIEVE team after completing a GCSE in Childcare Development.

Our ACHIEVE team helped River with her CV, interview skills and even helped her with an interview outfit.

River has found her dream job as an apprentice at a local nursery. We’re pleased River is now feeling confident and happy.  

ACHIEVE team River
ACHIEVE team Joan

Joan asked for help from our ACHIEVE team. A lack of opportunity to learn digital skills over many years has left her feeling vulnerable and isolated from family and friends. She was also struggling to do daily tasks online.

With help and support from our ACHIEVE team she’s now using the internet, online banking and connecting with her family and friends using social media. We’re pleased to see that Joan is confident, happy and enjoying life.


Liz was one of 72 tenants who joined our Community Boost 'Have A Go' sessions between April to September 2022.

The sessions were funded by Barnsley Council through the Community Renewal Fund, making them free for eligible unemployed residents living in the central Barnsley ward.

Participants had the opportunity to access 30 hours of training, learning about things like home improvements and DIY, beauty and hair extensions, macrame fashion and homewares, and much more.

ACHIEVE Programme Case Study (900 × 500Px)

Lara, a single parent wanted to set up her own business around her son. She asked our ACHIEVE team for help after attending our Self Employment workshop, as she wanted to set up a messy plan group for toddlers.  

Our ACHIEVE programme helped to support Lara financially and funded the cost for her to attend several courses and purchased some messy play mats to carry out the activities. The team also helped Lara with a business plan and to register her business.  

We’re pleased to see that Lara’s new business The Ccribb is up and running and providing lots of fun messy play for toddlers to enjoy. You can find out more about The Ccribb here.