Gas safety
Annual gas safety check
We’re legally required to carry out a gas safety check every 12 months. This helps to keep you, your family, and your neighbours safe, and makes sure your appliances are working efficiently. We keep a record of each safety check and service and give you a copy too.
We’ll send you a letter confirming the date when your gas safety check is due. If the appointment isn’t convenient, please contact us as soon as possible so we can rearrange it. We’ll need plenty of notice as your gas safety certificate is only valid for 12 months from the date of your last check.
When we carry out your gas safety check, we will:
- Disconnect any appliance that is unsafe or dangerous
- Provide you with a copy of your Landlord Gas Safety Check Certificate (LGSR) within 28 days of completing the gas safety check
Missed appointments
It’s really important that you keep your annual gas safety check appointment. If you fail to give us access to your home so that we can carry out the check, for example by missing your appointment or not giving us enough notice that you won’t be in, we’ll take all available steps to meet our legal obligations. This may involve taking formal and legal action against you so that we can gain access to your property to make safe by disconnecting your gas supply. Any costs incurred from taking formal action will be charged to you.

What should I do if I can smell gas?
If you can already smell gas and/or think there could be a leak, you should call the National Gas Emergency Service immediately on 0800 111 999* at any time of the day or night. The number operates 24/7 and is free to call.
To keep you and the property safe:
- DO open doors and windows to ventilate the property
- DO turn off the gas at the mains tap
The mains tap can usually be located near the gas meter and has a handle that can be turned 90 degrees. If the gas leak is in a cellar or basement, don’t enter and instead evacuate the building.
If you suspect you have a gas leak or you smell gas, it’s important that you don’t do any of the following as these could place you in further danger:
- DON’T turn any power or light switches on or off
- DON’T light any sort of flame within the property
- DON’T use any appliances that could cause a spark
Always wait until the gas engineer has given you the all-clear before returning inside your property.
Northern Powergrid and Northern Gas Network Priority Services Register
Power cuts or an interruption to your gas supply can cause worry, especially if you or someone you care for is vulnerable. You could benefit from joining the free Priority Services Register if you, or someone you care for:
- is medically dependent
- has a chronic or serious illness or mental health care needs
- has poor mobility or other disability
- is elderly or with young children
- has trouble communicating
They will give you extra support or advice in a power cut or interruption to your gas supply. To find out more about the service or to join, please visit the Northern Powergrid website here or the the Northern Gas Network website here.