Our Executive Management Team (EMT)

How we're run - our Executive Management Team (EMT)

Our executive management team bring a wealth of experience and knowledge to their roles. They live and breathe our ‘three Cs’ values and support the organisation, their directorates, and everyone at Berneslai Homes to deliver excellent services for customers.

EMT areas of responsibility

Arturo Gulla

Arturo is Building Safety Lead.

Property services:

  • Asset management (assets and sustainability, capital projects)

Repairs, maintenance, and building safety:

  • Compliance
  • Performance and business development
  • Dedicated damp and mould team

Dave Fullen

Dave is Consumer Standards Lead.

Customer services:

  • Customer services
  • Lettings
  • Customer engagement

Estate services:

  • Tenants First (tenant support services including family intervention, mental health housing support, housing coaches, tenant support, cost of living support)
  • European Social Fund – supporting tenants into work
  • Income (rent collection)
  • Neighbourhoods (including anti-social behaviour)
  • Community buildings
  • Leaseholders

Kulvinder Sihota

Corporate services:

  • Human Resources
  • Organisational development
  • Communications and marketing
  • Governance and strategy
  • Information Governance (data protection, records management)
  • IT service management
  • Finance
  • Performance and improvement
  • Risk management

Lee Winterbottom

Construction services:

  • Trades: gas, plumbing, electricity, bricklaying, joinery, plastering, roofing, painting, labouring
  • Planning and operations
  • Procurement and stores
  • Commercial

Amanda Garrard – Chief Executive

Amanda is passionate about making sure we provide the best services we possibly can to tenants. She inspires the team with inclusive leadership and coaching, not being afraid to challenge the norm and try new things.

Amanda is a firm advocate of professional coaching and loves seeing people develop - reaching their potential whilst having fun and making a positive difference to others. Her favourite of our 3Cs is ‘can do’ because she likes to get things done and encourages everyone at Berneslai Homes to keep a growth mindset – continuing to improve and always learning from best practice. 

Outside of work, Amanda enjoys family time with her husband and two sons and can often be seen coaching the Holmfirth Hurricanes ladies and girls cricket club or getting out for an early morning run with their dog Tom.

Amanda Garrard Chief Executive
Q&A with Amanda

What did you want to be when you were younger?
I wanted to join the police, but I wasn’t tall enough!

What made you want to work at Berneslai Homes?
The people. I felt at home even during my interview. My first role in housing was in Barnsley Council as a housing officer and to return as CEO 30 years later was so special. The fit just felt right.

What’s the best piece of advice you’ve been given?
My late mum said: “believe in yourself, you can do whatever you want to.”

Arturo Gulla - Executive Director Property Services

Arturo started an apprenticeship in plumbing at the age of 16 and although it wasn’t his dream job of being a professional footballer, he never looked back. Arturo loves the variety offered in his role, with his main priority being to keep people safe. Arturo is also passionate about delivering a first-class asset management service.

His favourite of our values is ‘can do’ and he always tries to bring a positive approach to challenging issues, facing them head on. Arturo believes having an optimistic and determined approach rubs off on others. He’s a collaborative leader, working closely with his team and others to gain and understand many different perspectives, make the right decisions, and make a positive difference to tenants.

Away from work, Arturo is a Manchester City season ticket holder and he also plays and organises five-a-side football for different ages.

Arturo Gulla Executive Director Property Services
Q&A with Arturo

What’s the most important lesson you’ve learned in life?
To stay away from people that always moan - a negative outlook does no one any good. Be as positive as possible and smile more often!

What advice would you give to your younger self?
Be more confident and take all the opportunities you can.

What are you most proud of?
I was really proud to achieve an Honours degree in Building Maintenance Management whilst having two very young children and working full time.

Dave Fullen – Executive Director Customer and Estate Services

Although he wanted to be a fighter pilot when he was younger, Dave’s first ‘proper’ job was actually as a Housing Management Graduate Trainee for Stockport Council. He moved to Barnsley in 1992 and was involved in the setting up of Berneslai Homes, helping to get the much-needed funding to improve homes and services.

Dave’s favourite of our values is ‘customer first’ and he encourages the team to always involve tenants, hear what they have to say, and to treat everyone with care and respect. His gran and parents lived in social housing he applies a personal perspective to everything he does by asking: “would that have been good enough for my gran?” If the answer isn’t “yes” then he’ll work hard to improve things until it is. The thing Dave enjoys most about working for Berneslai Homes is when tenants get in touch to say thank you to colleagues and everyone can see the difference our work is making to people’s lives and families.

Away from work, Dave loves to spend time in the garden relaxing, enjoying the fresh air and wildlife. He’s interested in photography and is trying to learn and practice more both at home and on holiday.

Dave Fullen Executive Director Customer And Estate Services
Q&A with Dave

What are you most proud of in your career so far?
I’m proud that we created Berneslai Homes and for the improvements that have been made to council housing in Barnsley. Getting the three stars from the Audit Commission was a highlight.

Who would you invite to a fantasy dinner party and why?
Archbishop Desmond Tutu – a truly inspirational leader with an infectious laugh and smile who was so instrumental in challenging apartheid and steering South Africa forward after its end.

What’s your favourite film?
Frank Capra’s It’s a Wonderful Life starring James Stewart because sometimes we’ll never know the impact of our work and life on others.

Kulvinder Sihota – Executive Director Corporate Services

Kulvinder brings a vast range of experience in transforming public services and improving the lives of others. Following the delivery of the amazing London 2012 Olympics, Kulvinder led the transformation of the Olympic sports venues into vibrant and sustainable leisure destinations that could continue to be enjoyed by many people all year round.

She’s passionate about making a real difference to tenants by supporting our frontline teams to deliver more and better services for our customers. Kulvinder’s favourite Berneslai Homes value is ‘curious’ which she uses to ask the right questions and get the best out of people and resources, driving transformation through quality and efficiency improvements.

When she isn’t at work, Kulvinder enjoys good food and good company - spending time with family and friends. She also likes to relax by walking and gardening.

Kulvinder Sihota Executive Director Corporate Services
Q&A with Kulvinder

If you could choose a superpower, what would it be?
The ability to re-energise without needing sleep so can fit in all the things I love doing – there aren’t enough hours in the day!

If you won the Lottery, how would you spend the money?
I would create something to be able to support women with the training and skills they need so they can pursue their passions and dreams.

Who inspires you?
Indra Nooyi who was the CEO of Pepsico and the first woman of colour and first immigrant to head a Fortune 50 company. She’s confident, driven, and known for leading with emotional intelligence and integrity. She’s also a great advocate for work life balance.

Lee Winterbottom – Managing Director Construction Services

Lee started out as an apprentice joiner working for his dad and has spent the past 26 years of his career in social housing. He’s proud to be involved in a sector that he sees regularly going further and changing people’s lives for the better by providing support, training, education, and employment.

Lee is very family oriented and translates the importance he places on family values into all aspects of the work he’s engaged in, considering the impact of his work on families and individuals, both from a tenant and a staff perspective. Lee is passionate about the opportunities and benefits that can be created by providing the stable foundation of a home that’s safe and well managed.

Outside of work, Lee enjoys cooking (and eating), and taking the family dogs for a walk. He’s never stopped doing woodwork either, and although his wife will always find him jobs to do, he still loves making things out of wood.

Lee Winterbottom Managing Director Construction Services

What’s your favourite book?
That would have to be two written by Sir Ranulph Fiennes - ‘The Sett’ and ‘The Feather Men’ Both amazing books, they really stuck with me.

What’s your favourite Berneslai Homes value and why?
It’s got to be ‘can do’ – that’s my approach to life. I’m naturally an optimistic person and even in difficult times I can see a positive.

Who inspires you?
Both my kids - they have a really different view and perspective on things in a way I never had, and they always surprise me.