Stock condition and improvement programmes

We carry out stock condition surveys of the council housing stock to assess the condition and future maintenance needs. Up to March 2024, we'd collected 83% of stock condition survey data and we're working towards holding 100% stock condition data by April 2025.

The data collected provides us with reliable information for business planning and programming of future repairs and improvement schemes for maintaining the council housing stock in Barnsley.

The stock condition programme assesses and collects information on the age and condition of components and identify any HHSRS (Housing Health and Safety Rating System) hazards in your home. We record this information our asset management database (PIMSS). Any Category 1 hazards identified by Stock Condition Surveying are escalated for immediate remediation.

In line with the Regulator for Social Housing Consumer Standards, Berneslai Homes on behalf of Barnsley Council as the Landlord are required to make sure homes are good quality, well maintained, and safe under their responsibility and meet the standard set out in the Government’s Decent Homes Guidance.

Stock Condition
Read the Government's 'A Decent Home - definition and guidance for implementation'

Our improvement programmes including the Barnsley Homes Standard are to maintain decency and improve the council housing stock. We make sure all council homes in Barnsley meet the minimum standard for age, condition, and functionality of all key and non-key components in line with the Government’s Decent Homes Standard.

Improvement Programmes

The list below shows the main key and non-key components carried out as part of the improvement programmes.

Key components

  • Electrical wiring
  • Boilers
  • Primary heating
  • External wall finish
  • Roof cover
  • Chimneys
  • External doors
  • Windows

Non-key components

  • Kitchen
  • Bathroom
  • Insulation

How we maintain decency and measure our performance

The Decent Homes Standard sets minimum standards for the condition of social housing within England and provides guidance on what we need to do to make sure our homes are fit for purpose.

We maintain the homes we manage by regularly reviewing and analysing the information collected from stock condition surveying. This information is uploaded to our asset management database - PIMSS. Our PIMSS database includes a system calculation that notifies us of homes where elements (such as a roof, windows, or doors) may require review or replacement throughout the year.

It does this by assessing the age of the element from the install date, the condition of the element from the stock condition surveying, and by assessing other measures in the Decent Homes Standard guidance.

At the end of the 2023/24 financial year, 99.9% of our homes conformed to the Decent Homes Standard. 17 assets did not meet the standard due to outstanding electrical works that hadn’t been completed.

We’re working hard to be fully compliant with the standard and we plan to do this by completing remedial and capital investment works on homes, and by proactively assessing and reviewing the condition of homes.

Barnsley Homes Standard programme

The Barnsley Homes Standard programme follows on from the completion of Decent Homes. We’ve agreed a homes standard with the Tenant Services Authority to make sure our homes are improved and maintained to a reasonably modern level.

We do an individual survey on each property to identify what works need to be done. The survey looks at the condition of kitchens, bathrooms, central heating systems, electrical systems, doors, windows, and any structural works. An individual programme of work is then produced for each property and customers can choose their own fixtures and fittings for kitchens, bathrooms, and fires.

Pre-work inductions are done to make sure you’re fully ready and know what to expect during the works. Project Liaison Officers from Berneslai Homes and Wates Living Space will be with you throughout the process.

If you haven’t been contacted about the programme but need repairs in your home, please report this to us here

Frequently asked questions about major works

Decoration allowance is a payment we offer if you need to redecorate after we’ve carried out major works in your home. It’s assessed room-by-room, surface-by-surface, and we have a standard template to calculate it.

Your decoration allowance payment will be made directly into your bank account. If you don’t have your own bank account, you may nominate someone else to receive payment for you.

Any arrears on your rent account may be deducted from your redecoration payment in order to clear or reduce the money that you owe.

Payment may take up to 4 weeks.

Assisted decoration may be offered if you’re unable to carry out the redecoration of your property on your own, after we’ve carried out major works. We can offer you assisted decoration if:

  • all members of the household are of pensionable age/ frail/ vulnerable
  • or all members of the household have a physical or mental disability
  • and are in receipt of Disability Living Allowance or Attendance Allowance
  • and have no family or friends willing to help with the redecoration
  • or have relevant medical evidence to support their application

The decorating service that Berneslai Homes offers is:

  • Lining the walls with wallpaper
  • Painting the walls with emulsion
  • Painting of woodwork where necessary

You’ll not receive a decorating allowance in addition to this service.

Very rarely we may require some tenants to move out of their homes and into temporary respite accommodation whilst works are carried out. This is for health and safety reasons, and you’ll be told at the Customer Choice Event where you pick your kitchen, bathroom, and fire, or during a home visit at least 2-3 weeks before the works start.

Yes, you’ll keep paying your normal rent. No other charges will be incurred as we will meet the cost of respite accommodation for you. You’re required to continue paying your utility bills and Council Tax.

We’ll do all we can to find suitable accommodation in your area. If you prefer to stay with family or friends, you can also choose to do this.

You’ll probably stay in respite for up to three weeks. In some cases it can be longer, depending on the works.

Yes, you’ll be appointed a Project Liaison Officer during the works. They will keep you up to date, along with the Site Operations Manager.

Unfortunately not. If you’re staying in alternative accommodation, you’ll be required to sign a health and safety disclaimer explaining that you will only be allowed back into your home with the Site Operations Manager’s permission.

We’ll consider paying you disturbance allowance if we need to move you out of your home to carry out extensive works. Berneslai Homes will pay your removal costs as well as other costs you may have while moving such as:

  • diverting your telephone number and post to your temporary respite accommodation
  • reconnecting your alarm system if necessary

Disturbance allowance payment is designed to reimburse you for the costs that are incurred by moving into transit accommodation, moving back home, and helping re-instate items within your home.

All receipts for these costs must be kept and handed to your Project Liaison Officer. Once the works have been completed you will also receive a decoration allowance which is a contribution towards the cost of materials to redecorate your home.

Regeneration schemes

We know how important it is to live in an area that’s safe, clean, and friendly, but many things can cause a neighbourhood to decline. We have a range of projects taking place and our communities are fully involved in helping make our neighbourhoods nice places to live.

Community Refurbishment Scheme

The Community Refurbishment Scheme (CRS) is an apprentice training scheme that offers work experience and training in brickwork, fencing, hard landscaping, and associated works. The scheme is staffed by a project manager, two training instructors, and apprentices supplied from Barnsley Community Build.

Frequently asked questions about the Community Refurbishment Scheme

The scheme is an estate-based programme. We have a list of estates awaiting CRS works. All schemes are assessed on a priority needs basis where there’s an identified problem on the estate and a need for off road parking.

The scheme provides external works to the front of the property including boundary walls and off road parking, together with timber fencing between properties and any access pathway works where required.

If access to the front of the property is steep we might not be able to install off road parking. There are very strict rules in place regarding the slope of driveways and if we can’t comply with them, we can’t install a driveway.

Unfortunately not. The budget for the scheme only covers one off road parking spot per property.

Yes. We offer a service ‘at cost’ to owner occupiers attached to our properties. The cost depends on the works carried out and will be agreed with them prior to work taking place.

Yes. You’ll need to write to us for permission before starting any works. You can find out about making improvements to your own home here.