How we're performing

We work hard to manage our company effectively, deliver excellent services to our customers, and plan for the future.

Our performance is measured so we can see how well different parts of the business are doing and see the difference we’re making to our customers. 

We have a structured way of making sure our performance is on track and delivering services in the right way so that we can deal with any issues at the earliest opportunity. As well as formally measuring our own performance in this way, we actively seek the views of our tenants.

What we report on

  • Four times a year we look at performance in more detail and share a report with our Board, the council, and our tenants and residents.

  • Twice a year, we assess our performance against our local offers.

  • Once a year, we review our overall performance against The Regulator for Social Housing’s Consumer Standards and the Rent Standards. This makes sure we’re meeting government standards for delivering services. You can read more about this below. 

You can read more about how we think we're performing, how our customers think we're performing, and see our Annual Report and STAR survey findings, by clicking the links below.